Rota Teams

Church Officers

Tea - Strathaven

1st Sunday of the month


2nd Sunday


3rd Sunday


4th Sunday

Margaret Cunningham

Anne McNulty

Donald Cunningham

5th Sunday



We are very grateful for the generous donations that people make to the flower fund; so a big thank you must go to all those who make a contribution. The flowers not only decorate the church each week but are then distributed to members of the congregation and the wider community. Over the past year we have made in excess of 100 visits to the homes of our members and this is a much appreciated and valuable part of pastoral care within the church.


Strathaven  Anne Grady 10357 523285 and Lilly McConnell 01357 520989

Glassford J Meikle 01357 520941 and R Andrew 01357 521662

Chapelton Mary Frew 01357 300268 and Val Allen 07585 06102

Strathaven Flower Calendar

May - July

Glassford Flower Calendar

May - July

Chapelton Flower Calendar

May - July

Strathaven Flower Calendar


Glassford Flower Calendar


Chapelton Flower Calendar


Door - Strathaven

28 July – Ishbel Anderson, Moira Vallance

4 August – Maggie Mears, Margaret Cunningham

11 August – Maureen Smith, Gary Smith

18 August – Nancy Nixon, Sarah Lipowski

25 August – Morag Sandilands, Willie Park


Awaiting information.