Communion 2023

Communion Sundays will now fall on the customary Sundays for each location:

  • Chapelton & Strathaven – Second Sundays in March, June, September and December.
  • Glassford – First Sundays in February, September and November and the second Sunday in May.

We have returned to the practice of the elders issuing the elements.

It would be appreciated if you could use the hand gel which is available on entry to the church. If anyone is uncomfortable with this you may of course refrain or indeed bring your own.

All Elders are asked to meet before the service.

The communion service is open to everyone. Bread and wine will be shared near the end of the service, while sitting in pews. Should you not wish to take the bread and wine, simply pass the tray on to the person sitting next to you.
For more information, please contact the minister.